Zyýat Hil confectionery delights sweet tooth lovers with new honey cakes


Confectionery Zyýat Hil, known for its delicious and high-quality desserts, has expanded its range by adding several new types of honey cake.

Now lovers of this popular cake can try not only the classic version, but also:

Dark honey cake “Spartak” is for those who prefer a richer taste.

Coconut honey cake - with delicate coconut flakes, which gives the dessert an exotic aroma.

Nut honey cake - with a generous addition of nuts, making it even more satisfying and tasty.

Honey cakes are available for order in two sizes: 3 kg and 5 kg.

Zyýat Hil emphasizes that cakes are always in stock.

Let us remind that confectionery products from Zyýat Hil are available not only to residents of Ashgabat, but also to the Geokdepe etrap. When ordering more than 150 manats to the settlements of Kelejar, Shorgala, as well as others, up to Baharden, delivery is free.

Contact information:

  • Buzmeyin etrap, Abadan avenue, 254, contact numbers (+993 12) 35 37 13 and (+993 62) 02 13 61;
  • Garadashayak residential complex, Seýran shopping center, phones (+993 12) 29 35 03 and (+993 62) 02 13 62;
  • residential complex Gurtly, 3, 1st floor, phones (+993 12) 97 95 06 (+993 62) 02 13 63.

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goza2025 ( 04.05.2024 )

Salam Zyýat Hil önümi ýolbaşçysynyň yhlasyna görä edýän işine süjülik bilen başlap bal we abraý bilen beýik at bilen üstün çykmany başarýar. Berekella Zyýat Hil işiň ugryna bolsun mundanam beýik belentlere galmagyňy dileg edýärin.