
Turkmenistan is working to increase the number of electronic publications


At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Deputy Prime Minister Myahrijemal Mammedova reported on the results of work carried out in the field of culture and media in January-February of this year, writes TDH.

As reported, the country is actively working to increase the number of electronic publications. This is done “in order to successfully solve the problems arising from State programs and the Concept for the development of the digital economy.”

In particular, information content is being carried out on the official websites of state cultural institutions and the media. Work is also being carried out to improve the skills of employees of these structures in the field of information and communication technologies.

The Deputy Prime Minister also informed about a videoconference meeting between representatives of the country’s Ministry of Culture and the leadership of the New Museum of Berlin, during which issues of organizing an exhibition of artifacts of the Parthian Empire and the heritage of the Seljuk Empire were discussed.

A separate topic of the report was the results of activities for the indicated period of theaters, cinemas, cinema and concert centers, libraries, museums, the Turkmen State Publishing Service, the Turkmenfilm Association named after OguzHan, and the State News Agency.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to widely publicize the successes being achieved in the country. At the same time, it was ordered to carry out cultural events planned on the occasion of upcoming holidays and significant dates at a high level and in an organized manner.

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