
A seminar on amendments to the “Forest Code” of Turkmenistan started in Ashgabat


Today, a seminar on amendments to the “Forest Code” of Turkmenistan is being held at the “Archabil” hotel in the capital.

The seminar is held with the participation of experts from the mission of the FAO-GEF regional project, which recently arrived in Turkmenistan.

The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate discussions with relevant national departments on the development of national criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management and amendments to the “Forest Code” of

Turkmenistan. The amendments are aimed at improving the legal framework for sustainable management and conservation of forests in the country.

According to “Turkmenistan: The Golden Age”, the workshop will also provide an opportunity to build capacity and share knowledge about the best practices of other countries that have gone through similar forest law reform processes.

Based on the results of the presentations and discussions, a number of recommendations and further actions will be formulated to improve and implement the “Forest Code”.

The seminar will last until February 29, and on March 1, participants will visit forest plantations around the cities of Arkadag and Ashgabat and a nursery for growing seedlings in Geokdepe for practical observations, the source notes.

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