The first meeting of the heads of parliaments of the member countries of the Group of Friends of Neutrality took place in Turkmenistan


The first meeting of the heads of parliaments of the member countries of the Group of Friends of Neutrality “The Role of Parliamentary Cooperation in Strengthening Peace and Dialogue” was held in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in a hybrid format, writes TDH.

Speakers of parliaments from around the world, as well as leaders and representatives of international and regional organizations took part in the multilateral meeting.

As noted, parliamentary diplomacy of Turkmenistan is successfully carried out in accordance with the legal status of neutrality and is implemented through establishing bilateral and multilateral relations with parliaments of foreign countries, participating in the work of international parliamentary organizations and assemblies, creating inter-parliamentary friendship groups, and organizing joint events. This is an important tool in supporting the international initiatives of our neutral state.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Head of the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Kakha Imnadze and UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko also noted that Turkmenistan is increasingly actively promoting the agenda of peace, development and cooperation at the global and regional levels, offering constructive solutions to a number of the most complex global and regional problems of our time.

During the meeting, video messages from the Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as well as heads of foreign parliaments, were heard.

As emphasized, given the increased role of parliamentary diplomacy in the modern world, the meeting of speakers of the participating countries of the Group of Friends of Neutrality is in great demand today.

It was noted that the main feature and main strength of parliamentary diplomacy is that it creates opportunities for dialogue between direct representatives of citizens, who, first of all, are parliamentarians. This allows us to discuss in detail topics that are important and pressing for people, to look for new points of contact and to propose initiatives that will be really in demand and supported by the citizens of our countries.

As the speakers noted, from the very beginning, having actively supported Turkmenistan’s initiatives to create a Group of Friends of Neutrality in the name of peace, security and sustainable development, they have been directly involved in the work of the association since its founding in 2020.

Over the years, this format has established itself as an active platform for multilateral dialogue on the practical application of the principles of neutrality in order to prevent conflicts, eliminate their causes and consequences, as well as humanitarian order.

Welcoming Turkmenistan's initiatives to develop inter-parliamentary relations, speakers on the digital system highly appreciated the country's role in promoting constructive international interaction and the effective use of tools to strengthen global peace and security.

The importance of further intensifying fruitful cooperation between the national parliaments of the participating states of the current multilateral meeting was noted, which will contribute to the development of balanced solutions to pressing challenges of our time, strengthening traditional relations of friendship, mutual understanding and trust between our countries and peoples, building up diverse interstate, regional and interregional partnerships that meet interests of general well-being and progress.

The speeches that took place during the meeting became another confirmation that all these years the rich experience of Turkmenistan, which was able to implement a truly unique model of permanent neutrality based on modern realities and centuries-old principles of the Turkmen people, is in the focus of increased attention from the world community.

In this context, it was noted that openness to each other and established connections play a big positive role. The Turkmen parliament and its members are committed to the closest, systematic, trusting cooperation with colleagues from the Group of Friends of Neutrality and are always ready to share their experience, best practices and plans.

Thus, the Turkmen side seeks to provide an effective platform for maintaining equal dialogue and strengthening partnerships on pressing issues of global development. In turn, this will contribute not only to addressing issues of security and sustainable development, but also to increasing mutual understanding and respect between different parties, which is a sine qua non for achieving lasting peace.

In order to enhance cooperation between the United Nations and national and inter-parliamentary associations, readiness was expressed for close interaction in legislative activities and exchange of experience on innovation, in promoting the principles of neutrality and dialogue in achieving peace and security, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.

The results of the first meeting of the heads of parliaments of the member countries of the Group of Friends of Neutrality “The Role of Parliamentary Cooperation in Strengthening Peace and Dialogue” were reflected in the Final Document adopted on the basis of the proposals and opinions expressed.

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