
Ashgabat hosted the first table tennis tournament among young masters this year


This year's first table tennis tournament among young racket masters was held in Ashgabat. The competition was held by the Table Tennis Federation of Turkmenistan in two age categories - for children born in 2010-2013 and 2014 and younger.

52 boys and 35 girls took part in the tournament. Representatives from Ashgabat and the city of Mary competed for the title of the best. In the senior age category, the representative of Ashgabat, Nazim Durdyev, won. In the junior group of girls, his fellow countryman Elina Ahmedova took the lead. All 16 winners of the competition were solemnly presented with valuable gifts and memorable diplomas.

According to the Chairman of the Federation, Agamurad Allanazarov, the competition was organized with the support of 10 experienced mentors from Ashgabat, all players were provided with the necessary equipment. Of particular note is the work of the coach from Mary, Begench Agaorazov, who trained 13 athletes. Among them, Sylapberdi Yolbarsov and Shirin Charyeva stand out, invariably among the top three athletes.

Such tournaments are held on a regular basis, which in every possible way contributes to the growth of sports skills of growing tennis players. Analyzing their progress, we can confidently state that the level of table tennis in Turkmenistan is steadily growing, which means that the country has every reason to count on successful performances of its athletes in the international arena.

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