
In China, cats and dogs are getting Mickey Mouse-like ears through plastic surgery


Plastic surgery for pets has become a fashionable trend in China, but has drawn a wave of criticism from veterinarians, advocates and pet lovers, MIR 24 reports, citing the South China Morning Post.

Some clinics in Chongqing have started offering plastic surgery for cats and dogs to change the shape of their ears. Now pets can boast of ears like Mickey Mouse.

The operation consists of two stages. First, veterinarians remove part of the ears and then reshape them into a vertical shape over a period of 20 to 60 days.

Experts say such operations cause pain and stress to the animals.

Veterinarians note that damage to the natural structure of the ears can cause psychogenic problems in some animals. For example, sensitive pets may begin to scratch due to severe pain.

For now, the trend remains legal in China, but animal activists hope it will be banned.

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