
The state concern in Turkmenistan produced more than 3 million tons of oil in January-November


The state concern “Turkmenneft” produced over 3 million tons of oil in 11 months of 2023, exceeding the plan by 111%, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The greatest successes in production were achieved by the work teams of the departments “Gumdagnebit”, “Keymir” and “Galkynyshnebit”.

Drillers of the state concern “Turkmenneft” made a significant contribution to achieving the indicated results. During January-November of this year, they drilled more than 152 thousand meters of mining rocks. This is 12 thousand meters more than in 11 months of 2022.

“It is noteworthy that 30 of the 34 wells drilled during this period were production wells. Much credit for this goes to the drillers of the Nebitdag, Goturdepe, Korpeje and Ekerem drilling departments”, - says the source.

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