According to the eastern calendar, 2024 will be the year of the Green Wood Dragon. To attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year, it is important to take into account the preferences of this mythical creature when choosing a New Year's outfit.
The dragon is a symbol of imperial power and the desire for luxury. Therefore, clothes for the New Year should be bright and elegant. Terracotta, red, gold and silver shades are suitable. Sparkles and sequins reminiscent of dragon scales are also welcome.
2024 is the year of the Green Dragon, so it is not surprising that the main colour of the year will be green. Choose shades you like, from mint to emerald.
You should not choose white and blue colours. In China, white is considered mourning, and blue is not liked by the Dragon.
Astrological recommendations
Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - are best suited to shades of red gold.
Earth signs - Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus - will suit shades of yellow gold, as well as brown shades and fabrics with a metallic sheen.
For water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - silver shades or white gold colors are suitable.
Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - should pay attention to sparkling colors such as aquamarine, sapphire or turquoise.
Accessories and materials in the New Year's look 2024
Accessories in a New Year's look should be bright and noticeable. The priority is large stones, massive jewelry, shiny cufflinks, pendants, spectacular brooches, large earrings and hairpins.
Festive outfits for 2024 should be made from expensive and spectacular fabrics: velvet, silk, brocade, satin.
Resource: Общественная Служба Новостей