The delegation of Turkmenistan participates in the investment forum within the framework of the 25th session of UNWTO in Uzbekistan


The Turkmen delegation is taking part in the Global Investment Forum within the framework of the 25th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is being held in Samarkand, reports

The stand of Turkmenistan was also presented at the exhibition organized within the framework of the forum and dedicated to the investment potential of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries.

At the next session of the UNWTO General Assembly, issues of international cooperation in the field of tourism, the development of sustainable and responsible tourism, adaptation to climate change and other environmental challenges, improving the quality and safety of tourism services, promoting cultural and natural heritage and innovation in the tourism industry are discussed.

Uzbekistan is hosting the UNWTO General Assembly for the first time. The event was opened by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who put forward a number of initiatives for the further development of the tourism industry in the region and the world.

In his speech, the head of Uzbekistan emphasized that tourism is one of the dynamically developing and promising sectors of the world economy, which contributes to economic growth, job creation, the fight against poverty, strengthening friendship and trust between peoples.

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