
A meeting of the Halk Maslahaty was held in Ashgabat, Serdar Berdimuhamedov was awarded the title of Hero of Turkmenistan, construction of a children's park began in Arkadag and other news



1. National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in his speech at the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty, noted that the state will continue to provide assistance to children left without parental care. The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan reminded the creation of the Charitable Fund to assist children in need of care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The Foundation, according to the National Leader, provides special care to children and adolescents left without the care of parents or guardians. Using the Fund's funds, it has already been possible to restore the health of numerous children in need of care.

2. During the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty, a solemn ceremony was held to award President Serdar Berdimuhamedov the title of Hero of Turkmenistan. The head of state was awarded the title Hero of Turkmenistan for his enormous personal contribution to strengthening the foundations of the national independence of Turkmenistan, the principles of the country's neutrality, for particularly outstanding services in the dynamic development of the state, strengthening the international authority of the Motherland with initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation, friendship and brotherhood between states and peoples, strengthening statehood, for activities carried out to enhance the glory and dignity of the country, as well as in connection with the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan.

3. In connection with the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, many planned events will be taken in the country to maintain law and order. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to monitor strict observance of law and order within the country, starting from the State border. Vice-premiers and heads of all institutions, organizations, and hyakimliks were instructed to organize round-the-clock duty.

4. On the eve of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, 24 cottages were put into operation in the Choganly residential area of the Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat. Each cottage consists of two floors and spacious rooms. They are designed taking into account all modern requirements and wishes of residents. All conditions for comfortable living and recreation have been created here.

5. Two new villages were opened in the Geoktepe etrap of the Ahal velayat - Nurly Zaman and Kopetdagyn yalkymy. New villages were built to modern standards and equipped with all the necessary infrastructure, including residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, health centers, and shopping centers. During their construction, the peculiarities of the rural way of life and national life were taken into account. The grand opening of the villages was accompanied by festive events, including a wedding and the celebration of the birth of a child.

6. A ceremony to lay the foundation for a children's park was held in the city of Arkadag. The groundbreaking ceremony was accompanied by vibrant literary and musical performances prepared by artists of the State Circus and theaters.

7. Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Turkmenistan Oleg Kononenko, who is on a mission on the International Space Station, addressed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as well as the participants of the Halk Maslahaty with congratulations on the occasion of the national forum.


8. Children whose fathers give them more than 10 minutes of attention a day show much better academic success. Scientists at the University of Leeds Business School in the UK have published a study showing that children whose fathers read with them, play mind games, do crafts and other joint enrichment activities do much better in primary school. Even if the father devoted an average of 10 minutes a day to such communication with the child, the results for these children are still higher than those who do not have such experience. Scientists believe that the reason for this positive result is that fathers communicate with children differently than mothers. Thus, the child gains a different experience of communication, a different perspective on various situations and the world around him.

9. The world's first floating mosque will be built in Dubai. The mosque will have an underwater prayer hall and two above-water floors for Islamic lectures and seminars. The building can simultaneously accommodate up to 75 people. Anyone can visit the mosque, the main thing is to wear appropriate clothing and behave in accordance with the traditions of Islam. The project cost is estimated at approximately 15 million USD. With the construction of an underwater mosque, the Dubai government hopes to attract even more tourists.


10. “Arkadag” defeated “Ahal” in the match of the 18th round of the Turkmenistan football championship. The meeting was held at the “Nisa” stadium in Ashgabat and ended with a score of 3:2 in favor of the “Arkadag” players.

In a post-match interview, “Arkadag” forward Altymurad Annadurdyev noted that the start of the match was difficult for his team, but they were able to turn the tide of the game and win.

“Ahal” captain Elman Tagayev commented on the results of the meeting: “We lost our advantage due to unnecessary mistakes. Everything was fine, we took a 2-0 lead and then conceded two very simple goals and a third at the end of the half from a penalty”.

11. The Turkmen 3x3 basketball team started at the Asian Games in Hangzhou with a crushing victory over the Maldives team. The meeting ended with a score of 22:2. The Turkmen national team includes Yevgeniy Nazipov, Dovlet Narmyradov, Maksat Hojaberdyev and Kirill Besh. The team is headed by Toyli Bayriyev. In the next round, Turkmen basketball players will meet the Japanese team. The Asian Games started on September 23 and will last until October 8.

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