Turkmen film group will travel to Turkey to film a video for a film about Magtymguly


From September 17 to 24, another group of Turkmen filmmakers will be sent to Turkey to shoot video material for documentaries prepared by the Oguzhan Turkmenfilm Association about Magtymguly Fragi.

According to the publication "Turkmenistan: Golden Age", a film crew led by director Hekim Alovov will visit Ankara, Istanbul and Konya, where there are many places associated with the name of the Turkmen humanist poet.

So, in the Turkish capital in 2012, a monument to Magtymguly was opened in the park "Turkmenistan".

The headquarters of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) is located in Ankara. As is known, at the meeting of the Permanent Council of the International Organization of Turkic Culture held in the fall of 2022, its participants unanimously supported the proposal to declare 2024 the Year of the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world - Magtymguly Fragi.

The film crew of "Turkmenfilm" plans to meet with representatives of TURKSOY, as well as with scientists who study the work of Magtymguly.

The poet's handwritten works are stored in Istanbul, copies of which were included in the collection of manuscripts of Magtymguly Fragi, included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in May this year. There are many connoisseurs and connoisseurs of the work of the Turkmen classic in the city, who will be able to share information about new publications and materials about the biography of the poet, his contemporaries and followers with Turkmenfilm. For example, scientific conferences in honor of Magtymguly Fragi and the presentation of his works published in Turkish were held at Fatih University in Istanbul.

The province of Konya, which was once ruled by the ancestors of the Turkmens, the Seljuks, is known as the center of Sufism, which had a noticeable influence on the work of Magtymguly. During the Seljuk period, the famous poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam lived here. In the 13th century, Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi lived and was buried here, the source notes.

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