In Hungary, Turkmen scientists discovered previously unknown manuscripts about the work of Magtymguly


Scientists of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan worked in the library and Information Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences during August, where they discovered new previously unknown historical information about the life and work of Magtymguly Fragi.

According to the publication "Turkmenistan: Golden Age", Hungarian specialists said that the library contains more than ten thousand Arabic, Persian and ancient Turkic manuscripts and created an opportunity to study the catalogs of these manuscripts.

The collection of the heritage of the Hungarian linguist-Turkologist, ethnographer and traveler Arminy Vamberi, who visited the Turkmen land, stored in the library funds, was of particular interest to Turkmen scientists. In the process of work, it turned out that Vamberi received one of the manuscripts directly from the Turkmen. According to available data, it begins with three poems written by Magtymguly Fragi, and contains poems by such Turkmen classical poets as Nurmuhammet Andalip, Meshrep, Misgin.
Turkmen specialists carefully studied the manuscript containing the poems of Magtymguly Fragi and received its high-quality color electronic copy.

In the course of their work in Hungary, the scientific secretary of the Institute K. Dzhanbekov and the senior researcher of the Department of Manuscript Sources of Turkmen History N. Gylychdurdyev discovered two manuscripts previously unknown to the scientific community related to the heritage of Magtymguly. In addition to copies of these important scientific findings, electronic copies of a total of 70 manuscripts related to the literature, history and culture of the Turkmen people were brought to Turkmenistan. Of these, 39 are in Turkmen, 22 are in Persian and 7 are in Arabic. These finds will be of great help in an in-depth study of the creative heritage of Magtymguly and other Turkmen historical figures.

During this scientific trip, the Turkmen scientists were provided with all kinds of assistance from the Hungarian side, the source notes.

It should be recalled that on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, scientists from the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan are working to identify new printed and handwritten sources related to the life and work of the poet, as well as history, literature and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people.

A lot of interesting material has already been brought from Russia and Uzbekistan.

Earlier, we reported that Kazan University donated a copy of the manuscript of Magtymguly Fragi's poems to Turkmenistan.

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