
Turkmenistan sent more than 35 tons of humanitarian aid to the children of Primorye


Turkmenistan sent more than 35 tons of humanitarian aid to Vladivostok for children affected by the typhoon in Primorye. The cargo included clothes, shoes, bedding, food and other necessary items, Orient reports citing

The Governor of Primorsky Territory Oleg Kozhemyako instructed Vera Shcherbina, Chairman of the Government of Primorye, to meet the cargo together with the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Russia Batyr Niyazliev.

“On behalf of myself and the entire Primorsky Territory, I would like to convey many thanks to National Leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This is a gesture of goodwill and mutual respect. The cargo that was brought is very important to us. These are bedding, children's clothing and baby food," Shcherbina said.

The cargo arrived in Vladivostok by plane IL-76 from Ashgabat in the morning. Things will go to the disposal of specialists for further distribution among the victims.

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