The last person born in the XIX century has passed away


The oldest resident of the planet, Brazilian Jose Paulino Gomes, died at the age of 127 in his native village, writes “MIR 24”. He was the last person living on Earth who was born in the century before last.

The exact date of birth of Jose Paulino Gomes is unknown, his birth certificate has been lost. The Brazilian's age was determined from a 1917 marriage certificate, which states that the man married at 22.

Jose Gomes has 7 children, 25 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren. For most of his life he worked on a farm and stopped riding only a few years before his death. The secret of his longevity, family members believe that the man ate only natural farm products.

Whether Gomes will be included in the Guinness World Records is still unknown. So far, this title has been assigned to the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who lived for 122 years.

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