Turkmen belt wrestlers win 11 medals at the World Championship in Kazakhstan


The belt wrestling team of Turkmenistan showed a brilliant result at the World Championship in Astana (Kazakhstan), which was held from July 13 to 16.

At the prestigious tournament, where the best athletes from 30 countries competed, the Turkmen team won 11 medals of various denominations. Of these: 4 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.

Hojamyrat Suhanov, Atageldi Tejendurdiyev, Agayusup Garayev and Rozmyrat Medov won gold medals in different weight categories among men. Silver medalists are Arslan Hojamberdiev, Annagurban Allaberdiev, Nobatgeldi Nazarov among men and Jemal Ovliyakuliyeva among women. Bronze medals were won by Guvanch Hemraev, Nurmuhammet Baydogdyev among men and Zarina Abdyrahmanova among women.

The coaching staff of the national team provided invaluable assistance and support to the athletes during the championship. It included Nurali Lollukov, Begmyrat Saparlyev and Charymyrat Akmammedov.

Turkmen belt wrestlers demonstrated a high level of skill and spirit, confirming their status as one of the leaders in this sport in the world.

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Comeakin ( 17.07.2023 )
