On April 30, at the age of 86, the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev died, reports the Mash Telegram channel. According to the source, today the fashion designer was taken to the Shchelkovo hospital with stomach bleeding. A little later, he died in the intensive care unit of a medical facility.
Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a famous Russian fashion designer. He is a laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1995), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2006). In 2007-2009, he hosted the “Fashion Sentence” program on the Russian Channel One.
In 2008, 2015, Zaitsev visited Ashgabat to participate in international exhibitions, to which he brought his new collections of clothes. The artist in his interviews repeatedly noted his admiration for the brightness and originality of the Turkmen national clothes, the desire of Turkmen designers to interpret the national style for everyday life.