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Igor Babushkin invited Turkmen bands to participate in the Caspian Classical Music Festival


Igor Babushkin invited groups from Turkmenistan to participate in the Caspian Classical Music Festival, which will be held in Astrakhan at the end of summer.

“Invariably, we invite teams from Turkmenistan”, - said I. Babushkin in an interview with the correspondent of the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”.

The governor also noted that at the end of September the Caspian Media Forum will be held, to which journalists and politicians are invited to discuss topical issues related to the development of cooperation in the Caspian area.

Let us remind that I. Babushkin is the head of the “The Caspian Sea – the Sea of Friendship” motocross, which started on April 1 in Astrakhan and should pass through all the territories of the countries of the Caspian region in 10 days.

“I would like to say that the motocross is a unique international project aimed at strengthening good-neighbourly relations with the Caspian countries, I. Babushkin noted. - This is an opportunity to personally communicate with the leaders of the border regions and the leaders of the Caspian states, discuss the development of economic, cultural, educational ties - this is our special mission as a border subject of the Russian Federation with a special geostrategic status. We visited the Kazakh cities of Atyrau and Aktau, you have Ashgabat and Turkmenbashi, ahead are Iranian Babolsere and Resht, Azerbaijani Astara and Baku, Russian Kaspiysk”.

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