
The representative of the Mobile tm online store named four reasons to visit the site


A representative of the online store of mobile equipment and accessories Mobile tm invites to visit and evaluate the benefits of buying gadgets on the site.

Firstly, the store offers a wide range of various mobile gadgets, peripheral equipment, accessories and souvenirs that are perfect as a gift for a family member, especially if it is a teenager. Here you can pick up wireless headphones, smart watches, joysticks for computer games, as well as phone cases and much more.

Secondly, Mobile tm presents the so-called smart gadgets for the home (in the “Other goods” section). There are a variety of appliances and fixtures for the bathroom and kitchen to choose from, which greatly facilitate some household issues - vegetable peelers, bath mats, folding chairs and tables, electronic scales.

The third point in favor of choosing the Mobile tm store is the opportunity to purchase push-button phones and smartphones online, among which the line of Xiaomi models is widely represented, as well as models with the “two in one” function.

And finally, purchasing goods in the Mobile tm store throughout the year, you can take part in the drawing of valuable prizes. To do this, you need to register on the store’s website and make purchases on it any day up to December 30, 2023. The draw will be held on December 31, 2023. The more purchases were made in the Mobile tm online store, the more chances to win a valuable prize.

Mobile tm store contact information:

  • phones: (+993 12) 42 04 05, (+993 65) 80 90 90;
  • IMO account: (+993 65) 80 90 90;
  • page in the social network.

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