
Bookshop Kitap-Market offers up to 20% discount on books and toys


The Kitap-Market store in Ashgabat will help you find the book of your dreams, sort out the variety of printed materials and choose useful literature to your liking.

On the shelves of the store there is a large selection of stationery for the office and school, goods for artists. Including magazines, crossword puzzles, games and original soft toys.

But the most important thing is that it is here that you can find a wide range of classical and modern literature, both in gift and new editions. Discover interesting authors of books on self-development, motivation, business and psychology. You can also purchase textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and other useful literature for schoolchildren and students.

In addition, you can literally treat yourself to an interesting purchase or purchase an original gift for relatives and friends without leaving your home. Kitap-Market delivers in Ashgabat and to all velayats of the country.

Just now, on the eve of the upcoming holidays, Kitap-Market offers 10%, 15% and 20% discounts on books, souvenir toys, hobby and art products.

You can learn more about Kitap-Market products and get a coveted discount by visiting the store located at:

Shopping center “Gulistan” (Russian bazaar), street Azadi (former Engels), shop № 18 (1st floor, from the side of the parking lot).

  • Phone: (+993 12) 92 11 66;
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