
The start of the III International Photo Contest “Ferula 2022” was announced in Turkmenistan


The start of the III International Photo Contest “Ferula 2022” has been announced in Turkmenistan. Its initiator, organizer and inspirer is the Ashgabat photo club “Ferula”.

As reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the contest will be held under the patronage of the International Federation of Photographic Arts (FIAP), functioning under UNESCO, the American Photographic Society (PSA), as well as the international club IS.

Photo works for the contest are accepted in four categories:

  • “Free color photography”;
  • “Free black and white photography”;
  • “Wedding”;
  • “Photojournalism”.

To participate in the contest, you must register on the website

The last day for accepting entries is November 8, the results will be announced on the eve of Turkmenistan's Neutrality Day.

The works will be evaluated by professional photographers who are members of international organizations. The panel of judges includes: Nino Mgebrishvili - EFIAP (Georgia), Sergey Mayorov - EFIAP (Russia), Vyacheslav Sarkisyan - EFIAP (Turkmenistan).

To date, authors from more than 22 countries have already confirmed their participation in “Ferula 2022”, including England, Australia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, India, Italy, Israel, USA, Ukraine, China, Russia, Czech Republic, Chile and others.

International awards will be raffled among the participants: gold, silver and bronze medals of FIAP, PSA, IS and the Ashgabat photo club “Ferula”.

Let us remind that in the “Ferula 2021” contest, three photographers from Turkmenistan became winners, these are M. Abdulaev - awarded the IS silver medal, S. Krupskaya - became the bronze medalist of Ferula, and B. Shyhliev - was awarded the IS Ribbon of Honor.

It is expected that photographers from 40 countries of the world will participate in this photo contest.

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