President of Turkmenistan held a video conference with the heads of regions and Vice – Premier overseeing agriculture complex


The progress of works in the agricultural complex, the course of field works, as well as preparation for the celebration of the 31st anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan were discussed today during a working video conference held by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, reported the news program “Watan” of the Turkmen television.

Having listened the heads of regional administrations and Vice – Premier Annageldi Yazmyradov, overseeing agriculture complex, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined the importance of ensuring high rates and compliance with the deadlines for carrying out the planned work, including harvesting cotton without losses, sowing winter wheat, and gave the hyakims appropriate instructions.

Having stressed that the production of rich harvests of winter potatoes, fruits and vegetables and melons is of great importance for strengthening food abundance in the country, the Head of State ordered to make maximum efforts for timely and qualitative harvesting of grown cultures.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to provide a high level of organization of festive events dedicated to the celebration of the 31st anniversary of the independence of the country, also to keep under the strict control the progress of construction of social and industrial facilities.

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