Huge Shopping and Entertainment Center in the shape of the Moon will be built in Dubai


It is planned to build an unusual complex in the lunar theme in Dubai. The total height of the Moon Dubai building will be about 224 meters, and the surrounding area of over 40 000 square meters will be turned into a lunar colony.

The Canadian architectural company Moon World Resorts is working on the project.

“Moon Dubai will have a significant impact on all aspects of the UAE economy, including tourism, transportation, commercial and residential real estate, infrastructure, financial services, aviation and space, energy, agriculture, technology and of course education”, say co-founders Sandra G Matthews and Michael R. Henderson.

It is known that the lunar complex, in addition to hotel rooms, restaurants and boutiques, will be equipped with special centers for training future astronauts. The construction of Moon Dubai will take about four years and cost 5 billion USD, reports

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