Russia expects leopards from Turkmenistan and Iran


The Minister of natural resources and ecology of Russia Aleksandr Kozlov addressed the President Vladimir Putin with aid request: to reach an agreement on delivery from Turkmenistan and Iran the specimen of leopards. It was reported by OTV-Prim, making reference to TASS.

The Minister reported that at present time the construction of the Centre of the far eastern leopard and snow leopard in the Lazovskiy Nature Reserve of Primorsky Krai is in active phase. Next year the delivery of the first leopards is planned. The nature reserve expects to increase the number of these animals up to 50 species.

Kozlov stressed:

“In order to reach this target, it is necessary to release more animals, 5-6 per year. Parents are needed for this. They can be taken from the wild nature of Iran and Turkmenistan. But this is undoubtedly, highest level of agreements, that is why we request your support, Vladimir Vladimirovich.”

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Camera traps in Turkmen reserves: leopard, manul, lynx from the Red Book in the lens

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