The regular cycle of training seminars was held for the students - volunteers from Turkmenistan


For the students – volunteers the regular cycle of training seminars, organized together with the Ministry of sports and youth policy and the National society of Red Cross of Turkmenistan.

As per “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” publication, the event was conducted in videoconference format for the students of Turkmen State University named after Mahtumkuli, International university of humanitarian sciences and development, Institute of international relations of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Turkmenistan and other institutions.

The topic of ecological culture for youth was provided to the attention of the listeners. The role of youth in promoting respect for nature and environment care was raised.

Such educational seminars, conducted for student youth, already has become traditional and cover a wide range of issues related to volunteer activities in Turkmenistan, the source highlights. The volunteers of Turkmenistan conduct manifold trainings for school children, organize sports competitions, help with their work to senior representatives. Moreover, they participate in landscaping events and actions on cleaning of nature from garbage.

Recently we informed that the volunteers from Ashgabat organized a flash mob in support of children and adults with Down syndrome.

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