
Farmers of Turkmenistan fulfilled the state order, having harvested more than 1.25 million tons of cotton


Cotton growers of Turkmenistan have harvested more than 1 million 250 thousand tons of “white gold”. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the relevant reports from the khyakims of the Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats on the successful fulfillment by the country's farmers of contractual obligations for the production of raw cotton.

According to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, young envoys from each velayat, who arrived in the capital especially for this occasion, brought with them full khorjuns of snow-white raw, symbolizing the labor victory of the villagers.

With great enthusiasm and pride for the cotton growers, young representatives of the regions read inspired poems glorifying the grandiose successes of the Motherland.

Thanking the guys for their congratulations and wishes, the head of state presented them with gifts. At the request of the children, the President of the country took a picture with them as a souvenir.

Addressing the audience, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that in the year of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence, courageous farmers achieved great labor victories and celebrate the Harvest Festival with a worthy gift.

“Having handed over to the bins of the Motherland more than 1 million 250 thousand tons of high-quality cotton, they honorably fulfilled their contractual obligations,” the head of state said, stressing that this is the result of the cohesive and painstaking work of cotton growers and all workers in the agricultural sector.

The leader of the nation noted the great contribution to the labor victory of the farmers of the Geoktepe and Baherden etraps, as well as Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat, Mahtumkuli and Bereketli etraps, Esenguly etrap of the Balkan velayat, the S.A. Niyazov etrap, the Gubadagan etrap and Akdepashtay and Sayat etraps of Lebap velayat, Tahtabazar, Bayramali and Vekilbazar etraps of Mary velayat.

In this regard, the head of state thanked the country's cotton growers, all agricultural workers for their selfless work and achievements.

“In the years of independence, along with other sectors of the economy, the agro-industrial complex is developing at an accelerated pace. The ongoing transformations are bringing their positive results,” the President of Turkmenistan said, noting that the state creates all conditions for the highly productive work of farmers, providing them with modern technology, fertilizers, water and everything necessary.

“All this increases the love of rural workers for the land, the desire to get a rich harvest. And the big harvest received from the native land is the wealth of the Motherland, the prosperity of the people, ”the leader of the nation emphasized.

Once again cordially congratulating the cotton growers and all agricultural workers on their current labor victory, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished them good health, family well-being, new great successes for the good of the Motherland.

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