
Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan announced a new tender


The Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan announced an international tender for the provision of consulting services for the "turnkey" construction of a new hybrid solar and wind power plant with a capacity of 10 MW in the Serdar etrap of the Balkan velayat.

Companies wishing to participate in the tender must, by December 14, 2021 (by 16:00 local time), submit a written application addressed to the Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration and details.

Lot specifications and technical requirements can be obtained from the Department of Prospective Development, New Technologies and Capital Construction of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan at the address: Ashgabat, st. 2022, building 55.

The package of tender documents will be handed over after payment 1 500 USD (excluding VAT and bank charges). Tender proposals will be considered only after receipt of funds to the account.

Phone for inquiries: 37-94-31, 37-94-33

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