
Industrial workers honored in Ashgabat


The event in honor of the Day of Industrial Workers, which is celebrated in our country on the third Sunday of October, was held at the Center of Public Organizations, according to the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper.

This is a professional holiday for workers in the construction industry, the textile industry, as well as the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa”. The most extensive and ramified industrial sector of the country includes about 25 high-tech factories and enterprises, bringing together the efforts of a huge circle of specialists - professionals in their field, the source notes.

The leaders of production and trade union activists were invited to the celebration. Presentations were made by representatives of various sectors of the industry.

As part of the celebration, 25 employees of Ashgabat enterprises were presented with valuable gifts.

Artists from the Turkmen State Special Music School named after Danatar Ovezov of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva performed for the event participants.

Chairman of the Trade Union of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan Begench Berdev:

“Encouragement of the best workers and social activists of the capital is intended to stimulate high powered work among civil servants, to increase the volume and quality of their products, to raise the level of active participation in the public life of the native collectives of the primary trade union committees”.

The event was held with the organizational support of the Council of the Trade Union of Construction and Industry Workers.

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