
IATA assigns international code to new Kerki airport


The new airport of Kerki has received the international three-letter code KEA. The assigned unique code appeared in the directory on the official website of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The code is formed by using the name of the airport and the city of its location.

The three-letter codes of IATA airports are indicated, in particular, in itinerary receipts and boarding passes, baggage tags, displayed on the monitors of the visual information system of passenger terminals to identify the airport along with the city of its location and name.

The modern airport in Kerki with a capacity of 100 passengers per hour went into operation in June 2021.

We will remind, earlier the airport was assigned a four-letter individual ICAO code - UTAE. These codes are used by airlines, air traffic control authorities, meteorological services for the transmission of aeronautical and meteorological information on airports, flight plans, designation of civil aerodromes on radio navigation maps, as well as addresses of airports in the international aeronautical telegraph network of the AFTN.

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