“Turkmen-Tranzit” has developed an electronic dictionary to help students and economists


The software developers of the Turkmen-Transit company have created a new application “Ykdysady sözlük” (“Economic dictionary”), which is an electronic explanatory dictionary of economic terms in the Turkmen language.

The dictionary includes about four hundred financial and economic terms, for each of which a detailed description of its meaning in the Turkmen language is given. The search for the required term is carried out both through a special string, and simply by alphabet. There is a function of adding the desired word to the bookmarks on the “Favorites” page, as well as the ability to increase the font for the visually impaired.

The application can be useful for both students and novice economists and accountants, as well as anyone who simply would like to improve their economic literacy.

 “Ykdysady sözlük” is free and is available for download on Google Play. It can be used even without Internet access.


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