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A Turkmen schoolboy won a prize in the intellectual sports Olympiad


A Turkmen schoolboy won a prize in the intellectual sports OlympiadA schoolboy from Turkmenabat Yusup Rozyev became a bronze medalist in the Olympiad in intellectual sports – Brazilian draughts among juniors, the newspaper "Turkmen gundogary" reports.

The Olympiad, held under the auspices of the International Draughts Federation, was held online this year. Athletes from 16 countries participated in the competition. Yusup's opponents in the semifinals and finals of the competition were young men from Uzbekistan.

Yusup is currently in the 9th grade of the 24th secondary school in Turkmenabat. His passion for draughts began at the age of nine. He enjoyed attending the 13th sports school in Turkmenabat and continues to train to this day. It is coached by a Bashim Komekov. Yusup took part in several competitions in Turkmenistan, Asian Championships and won prizes. In addition to checkers, he also plays chess. In this field, he is coached by Leonid Rahimov.

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