The construction of gas chemical complexes and seawater desalination plants was discussed by the business circles of Turkmenistan and Korea


Today, a meeting of the Turkmen-Korean Business Council was held in Ashgabat in the format of a videoconference with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of textile industry, the chamber of Commerce and industry, the State water management Committee, the state concern "Türkmengaz", the agencies "Türkmendeňizderýaýollary" and "Türkmendemirýollary". This is reported by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

On the Korean side, representatives of the Ministry of trade and the Executive Director of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA)

The parties discussed further strengthening of multi-vector trade and economic cooperation between the two countries based on the principles of trust and mutual respect, as well as:

  • cooperation in the construction of large gas chemical complexes and seawater desalination plants;
  • cooperation in the field of shipbuilding and marine technology;
  • creating a center for access to information and conducting seminars for railway specialists;
  • exchange of knowledge and best practices and other relevant topics of mutual interest.
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