Turkmenistan took part in the IFAS video session


The 78th meeting of the Interstate water coordination Commission (ICWC) of The International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) was held in the format of a video call. The meeting was attended by heads and specialists of line ministries and departments of Central Asian countries, including the State Committee for water management of Turkmenistan.

One of the key issues considered by the participants is the implementation of measures aimed at improving the environmental, water management and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea basin in accordance with the Joint Statement adopted following the Summit of the heads of state-founders of IFAS, held in August 2018 in the national tourist zone "Avaza".

In this context, the importance of the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, the VII world water forum in the city of Tegu (Republic of Korea) was noted. The Turkmen leader's proposals stressed the need to develop conditions for establishing effective international cooperation based on international law, with the participation of authoritative organizations and taking into account the interests of States. Universal access to water resources and their rational use for agricultural needs are linked to the economic development and social well-being of the countries of the region.

Turkmenistan, for its part, fully contributes to productive cooperation on such important issues as improving the socio-ecological situation, prudent water use, and adaptation to climate change.

During the meeting, the results of water intakes for the growing season of the past year, their limits for 2020 and the forecast mode of operation of cascades of reservoirs of the main rivers of the region were considered, the state news Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

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