
The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting of the state security Council


Today, the President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, General of the army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, held a meeting of the State Security Council, where they discussed steps to improve the activities of military and law enforcement agencies, modernize their material and technical base, and priority tasks for these agencies for 2020. A new composition of the state security Council was also approved, personnel issues and a number of other issues were considered, the state news Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

Turning to the discussion of topics on the agenda, the head of state noted that the position of Secretary of the State Security Council was performed by one of the heads of a military or law enforcement Agency. In order to coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies, make timely decisions and prepare relevant documents, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan recently adopted a new Law on the state security Council.

According to the legislative act, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for security, military and legal Affairs is also the Secretary of the State Security Council. In this regard, the post of Deputy Prime Minister in this area has been introduced and relevant departments have been established in the Cabinet of Ministers, the President said.

After announcing his decision to appoint Charymyrat Amanov, an authoritative police Lieutenant General with sufficient experience in various positions in law enforcement and military structures, as Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Secretary of the State Security Council, the Turkmen leader signed the relevant Decrees.
Addressing the Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary-General of the Council of state security, the Supreme commander of the Armed Forces Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to take appropriate measures for the successful execution of tasks arising from the Law of Turkmenistan "On the State Security Council of Turkmenistan", as well as coordinated the organization of activities of military and law enforcement agencies. The President ordered to prepare Regulations on newly created departments of the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the established procedure.

During the meeting, the head of state heard reports from the heads of law enforcement agencies on the ongoing work, the implementation of military reform, and steps taken to introduce modern technologies.

Summarizing the reports, Supreme commander of the Armed Forces stressed that the problems facing the military and law enforcement tasks require from each Manager responsible to assigned work orders to control the course of further strengthening the material-technical base-led agencies, as well as addressing issues related to the creation of favorable conditions for military service and life.

At the same time, the attention of the heads of law enforcement agencies was focused on the priority tasks set for the power structures for the current year. Among the main vectors of the upcoming work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov identified the adoption of comprehensive measures to improve the training system.

In this context, noting that physical training is an important and integral part of military training and education of personnel, the head of state gave appropriate instructions.

During the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan signed a Decree on the appointment of N. Kovusov as rector of the Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs, relieving Him of the post of Vice-rector of this Institute for drill and educational work.

At the meeting of the State Security Council, other issues were also considered and relevant decisions were made.

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