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Repertoire of theaters in Ashgabat (7-9 October)
The Main Drama Theater of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great:
October 8, 19:00 – "For your loyalty" (Seniň wepaň üçin);
October 9, 19:00 – " Comedy evening " (Şadyýan wäşiler).
Theater of Music and Drama named after Magtymguly:
October 8, 19:00 - "Movement of the heart" (Ýürek telwasy);
October 9, 19:00 - "Faith! Hope! Love!" (Ynam. Umyt. Söygi).
Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin:
October 7, 19:00 - "Andro and Sandro" (Андро и Сандро);
October 8, 12:00 - "The Three Little Pigs and the Gray Wolf" (Три поросёнка и серый волк).
October 8, 19:00 - "Inventive Lover" (Изобретательная влюбленная);
October 9, 11:00 - Little Red Riding Hood (Красная шапочка).
October 9, 13:00 - "Little Red Riding Hood" (Красная шапочка).
October 9, 19:00 - "Sisters" - Premiere (Сёстры - Премьера).
National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan:
October 8, 19:00 - “Faux Bridegroom” (Amanat giýew);
October 9, 19:00 - "Sandy Bride" (Gumly gelin).
Student Theater of Turkmenistan named after Mollanepes:
October 8, 19:00 - "Honestly…" (Çynymy aýtsam...);
October 9, 19:00 - "Where there is love" (Söýgi bar ýerinde).
Turkmen State Puppet Theater:
October 7, 17:00 - "Alyanak" (Alýaňak);
October 7, 19:00 - "Chagaly oy bazar" (Çagaly öý bazar);
October 8, 17:00 - "Masha and the Bear" (Maşa we aýy);
October 8, 19:00 - "Colorful show" (Şadyýan şow);
October 9, 12:00 - "Red Apple" (Gyzyl alma);
October 9, 17:00 - "Red Apple" (Gyzyl alma);
October 9, 19:00 - "Japbaklar" (Japbaklar).
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