
A ceremony dedicated to the creativity of Persian poet Parvin Etesami


On March 17, 2025, a ceremony dedicated to the creativity of Persian poet Parvin Etesami was held at Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages jointly with the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan.

Representatives of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan, acting head of the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan, Ebrahim Parvizi, teachers and students of the center, as well as teachers and students of the Persian language department of the institute took part at this ceremony.

Speakers at the ceremony emphasized that the works of prominent figures, writers, and poets of the Turkmen and Persian peoples, which embody humanitarian, moral, and philosophical ideas, have served as a bridge uniting peoples throughout history, and introducing cultural values ​​can strengthen understanding and friendship among nations and help to establish relations between cultures.

The representative of the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that various events held at Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages ​​have brought the Turkmen and Persian peoples closer and created new opportunities. He also underlined on the celebration of the Day of Commemoration of Parvin Etesami, who occupied a special place in Persian poetry with her unique artistic style on March 15 and on March 8, International Women's Day in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He noted the educational significance of the poems written in a unique poetic style by Parvin Etesami, one of the prominent female poets in the history of Persian literature. The poems, which arose from the combination of simple language and philosophical themes, are understandable to all levels of society.

The guest informed the participants of the ceremony about the publication of Parvin Etesami’s collection of poems, which included social epics and moral values, under the title "Parvin Etesami's Divan" in 1314 hijri shamsi date (1935 Milady), 606 poems written on various topics were included to the collection, Parvin created a continuous works and laid the foundation for a new creative style in Persian literature, and now she is recognized not only in Iran but also throughout the world as a symbol of loyalty and women's literature. The speaker shared with the participants of the ceremony valuable information about the fact that many of her poems are taught in schools as literary examples due to their simplicity of language, moral content, and educational value, and many schools and cultural centers are named after her.

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