
Schoolchildren of Turkmenistan awarded prizes at the Open Children's Delphic Games of the CIS


Students of music and art schools of Turkmenistan performed well at the Open Children's Delphic Games of the CIS member states, which were held for the first time in Bishkek from September 30 to October 5.

As reported by “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, at the competitive auditions, schoolchildren from Turkmenistan demonstrated a high level of technical training, an original approach and emotional expressiveness. Many of them became winners and laureates of various nominations.

Leyli Jepbarova, a representative of the Mollanepes Mary City Children's Art School, won first place and a gold medal at the Open Children's Delphic Games in the “Folk singing” category.

Milara Tahyrjanova, representing the music school of Lebap velayat, is the youngest participant. She took 3rd place and was awarded a bronze medal in the first age category for her creative potential in the nomination “Violin”.

Muhammetnur Yaranov, a student of the 2nd Children's Art School of Ashgabat, was awarded a bronze medal in the nomination “artistic crafts and fine arts”.

Diplomas for virtuoso performance, artistry and conveying the composer's idea were awarded to students of the Special Music Boarding School at the National Conservatory named after M. Kuliyeva, namely: Aylara Bayramova (violin), Bagul Mugametgulyeva (piano), Aili Ahmedov (accordion), Akmuhammet Nuryagdyev (dutar), as well as a student of the Mary City Children's Art School named after Mollanepes Babaglych Annagylychev (dutar).

The Delphic Games featured children from Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. The participants exchanged experiences, competed and developed their creative skills, the source notes.

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