
Turkmen artist holds master class for children at Russian embassy in Ashgabat


Turkmen artist and teacher Nazar Bekmuradov held a master class in painting for young talents. The event was organized by the Department of Education, Science and Culture of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ashgabat, SNG.Today reports.

Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, inspired by the beauty of their native country, the children learned to work not only with paints, but also with their own imagination. On canvases, the children depicted sea expanses, mountain peaks, the sands of the Karakum Desert and other picturesque corners of Turkmenistan.

Nazar Bekmuradov notes that the main thing is to awaken fantasy and personal perception of the surrounding world in pure minds.

“Children should not be burdened with any framework. After they learn to use watercolor and gouache, they will develop their own coloring, their visual memory will work, their imagination will awaken, and the future painting will acquire a clear plan”, - the artist believes.

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