Mattel, creator of the iconic Barbie doll, continues to push the boundaries of inclusivity in the world of toys. She recently introduced two new models: the first blind Barbie in the brand's history and a dark-skinned Barbie with Down syndrome. This was reported by with reference to The Guardian.
Developed in collaboration with the American Foundation for the blind, blind Barbie carries a distinctive red and white cane. Her gaze, directed upward and to the side, reflects the characteristics of people with visual impairments. The doll's clothes have tactile elements for children's comfort, and the packaging contains Braille.
These new items are part of the Barbie Fashionistas line, launched in 2009. Over the years, the collection has expanded significantly, offering dolls with a variety of body types, skin tones and hairstyles. In 2022, the first Barbie doll with hearing loss was introduced, as well as a Ken doll with vitiligo.
Mattel's initiative received support from the Royal National Institute for the Blind, which noted the importance of such dolls for the self-identification of children with special needs.