
Telegram has surpassed 950 million active users


The popular Telegram messenger continues to confidently increase its audience. According to information published by the platform's founder Pavel Durov, the number of monthly active Telegram users has reached 950 million.

Since spring 2024, the number of users has increased by 50 million - from 900 to 950 million monthly active users. Durov noted that Telegram is confidently moving towards overcoming the mark of one billion users.

Launched in 2013, Telegram overtook WhatsApp in terms of user traffic for the first time in 2022. In July 2023, the messenger became one of the top three in terms of traffic among the Big Four operators in Russia, second only to VK and YouTube.

The Russian Telegram audience is also showing significant growth. In the year from June 2023 to June 2024, it increased by 9 million people, reaching 61 million users.

Telegram's rapid growth confirms its status as one of the leading instant messengers in the world, successfully competing with other popular messaging platforms.

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