The Russian Ethnographic Museum has expanded its collection with Turkmen costumes


A solemn ceremony of donating traditional Turkmen costumes was held at the Russian Ethnographic Museum (REM). Sets of men’s and women’s clothing were donated to the museum by the Vozrozhdenie group of companies, which has long-term ties with Turkmenistan. This is stated in a TASS report.

Costumes created by modern artisans in traditional style include robes, dresses, hats, shoes and jewelry. According to Ritsa Zelnitskaya, a researcher at the Department of Ethnography of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Kazakhstan, these items will become a valuable addition to the existing collection and will acquire historical significance in a century.

The Turkmen collection of REM already includes about 10 000 exhibits. New acquisitions will take their rightful place in the museum’s collection and will be presented at future exhibitions.

REM plans further cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of research, publications, educational programs and exchange of specialists. This partnership will strengthen cultural ties between the two countries.

Let us remind that the Russian Ethnographic Museum, which celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2022, has one of the largest ethnographic collections in the world, numbering about 500 000 exhibits.

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