
Turkmen national costumes will be donated to the Russian Ethnographic Museum


On July 19, a solemn ceremony of donating sets of traditional men's and women's Turkmen clothing to the Russian Ethnographic Museum will be held in St. Petersburg, reports “Culture of St. Petersburg”.
Museum director Yulia Kupina noted the importance of replenishing the collection:

“We have very valuable collections. These are nine thousand storage units, of which four thousand are photographs. We are certainly interested in replenishing them: both photo collections and object collections. We are also interested in the works of contemporary masters”.

The donated costumes, provided by the “Vozrozhdenie” group of companies, include outerwear, hats, shoes and jewelry. It is expected that these exhibits will take their rightful place in the museum’s collection and will be presented at future exhibitions.

The Russian Ethnographic Museum has a long history of cooperation with Turkmenistan. Previously, the museum organized such exhibitions as “The World of Turkmen Carpet” and an event dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi.

In the future, it is planned to continue cooperation between the cultural institutions of the two countries in the field of publications, collection research, training programs and exchange of visits of museum specialists.

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