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Preparations for elections to the Mejlis in three districts are underway in Ashgabat


In Ashgabat, the election campaign for the election of deputies of the Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan to replace those who retired early in three constituencies is in full swing - № 1 “Garaşsyzlyk”, № 2 “Bitaraplyk” and № 6 “Köpetdag”. Elections are scheduled for July 7, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reports.

The Central Election Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan conducts training seminars to ensure organized and strict compliance with election laws during elections.

On June 11, Central Election Commission specialists held seminars for chairmen and secretaries of precinct commissions, observers and the media at secondary school № 4 (district № 6) and the Ashgabat construction vocational school (districts № 1 and № 2).

As noted by Hekimberdi Ovezov, secretary-referent of the Central Election Commission, the electoral code guarantees citizens over 18 years of age the right to freely participate in voting. Commissions work openly, under the supervision of trusted persons and the media. The Central Election Commission provides comprehensive assistance in organizing democratic elections.

At 60 polling stations in three districts, registration of candidates from parties - Democratic, Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Agrarian, as well as from a group of citizens - is already underway. 76 observers were registered and received certificates. The candidates' meetings with voters will be followed by the voting itself on July 7.

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