
The summer holiday season for children has opened in Turkmenistan


In Ashgabat, a traditional ceremony was held to send schoolchildren to the health centers of Gökdere, a natural health resort in the foothills of the Kopetdag, TDH reports.

The event featured a solemn performance with lively songs, fiery dances and funny skits from popular children’s groups.

To the music, schoolchildren from the capital and regions headed to decorated buses, which took them to holiday homes, where a warm welcome and entertainment awaited them.

In the summer, children’s centers in Gökdere, the Avaza tourist zone and other regions host festive events, sports competitions and creative competitions.

A joyful atmosphere reigns in the health resorts that welcomed the first young holidaymakers. Thousands of children organized a costume parade.

The centers have created comfortable conditions: playgrounds, dance halls, computer rooms, clubs, studios and libraries.

On behalf of the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov, specialists from the ministries of education, culture, health, the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports, and public organizations prepared a rich program: competitions, concerts, competitions and literary readings.

Under the guidance of teachers, children will study in clubs, learn computer programs and foreign languages. They will also enjoy performances by artists and excursions.

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