
The delegation of Turkmenistan studied the experience of Turkey in the fight against desertification


A study tour to the Republic of Turkey was organized for specialists from Turkmenistan to study experience in preventing land degradation and combating desertification.

The visit was organized within the framework of the UNDP/GEF project “Conservation and sustainable management of land resources and ecosystems of high natural value in the Aral Sea basin to achieve multiple benefits” together with the FAO project “Central Asia Countries Initiative on Land Management” (CACILM-2).

The delegation of Turkmenistan included representatives of key ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, the hyakimliks of Lebap and Dashoguz velayats and the Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development (SIC ICSD).

During the six-day visit, the delegation visited demonstration sites of local departments of the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Urban Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey.

In the city of Adana, participants were introduced to local initiatives to improve soil fertility and sustainable agriculture.
In the city of Konya, large-scale projects on afforestation and the introduction of water-saving technologies were demonstrated, and in the city of Gaziantep, participants were presented with the results of the joint work of urban and rural communities to prevent desertification and preserve natural resources.

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