
The Center for Access to Information of Turkmenistan was recognized as the best according to the NIA of the Republic of Korea


The Information Access Center (IAC) of Turkmenistan was recognized as the best in 2024 according to the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea.

The assessment was carried out based on the results of activities in the previous year among similar centers operating in 56 countries of the world, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The award of the Best IAC Center Award 2024 is a high assessment of the multifaceted work of IAC Turkmenistan to promote digitalization and promote inclusive education in the country, to study the Korean language and familiarize Turkmen people with the culture of Korea.

NIA sent a letter to Ashgabat IAC congratulating them on this outstanding achievement and inviting them to participate in the Information Access Center (IAC) Administrator Training Program in 2024.

The training, which will be held from May 27 to June 7 this year at the office of the National Agency of the Information Society of the Republic of Korea in Seoul, will be attended by representatives of 9 countries, including employees of the Center for Access to Information of Turkmenistan Amanbibi Hudaygulyeva and Suray Amandurdyeva.

The Information Access Center in Ashgabat, operating on the basis of the Innovation and Information Center of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, equipped with modern equipment, was created in collaboration with the NIA of the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Korea.

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