
The President of Turkmenistan held a working video meeting on agricultural issues


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working video meeting on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country. The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister T. Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and the hyakims of the velayats.

According to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, inter-row cultivation, thinning and weeding of crops are currently underway in cotton fields. Agricultural machinery and equipment are actively involved in this work.

Work on the care and vegetative watering of wheat crops is at the final stage. At the same time, preparations are underway for organized harvesting of grain crops. Arrangements are being made for the collection, transportation to collection points and proper storage of the wheat seed crop.

In accordance with the tasks set by the head of state for the organized conduct of the cocoon production season, silkworm caterpillars are currently being cared for and cocoons are being harvested.

After listening to the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need for timely and high-quality implementation of all agrotechnical requirements to obtain a rich crop harvest. He instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to keep control over the conduct of seasonal work on wheat and cotton fields in accordance with the standards, as well as preparations for the upcoming grain harvest.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered the velayat hyakims to ensure strict control over the proper operation of subordinate institutions and enterprises.

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