Turkmenistan and Armenia discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation


During the meeting between the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Armenia M. Ayazov and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Mnatsakan Safaryan, the parties discussed the prospects for expanding trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian and transport and logistics ties between the two countries, reports the press service of the Turkmen diplomatic department.

Particular attention was paid to the issues of enhancing cooperation within international and regional organizations, in particular the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The parties emphasized the importance of increasing trade turnover between Turkmenistan and Armenia through the effective use of the transport potential of Turkmenistan.

M. Safaryan informed about the progress of implementation of measures in Armenia to develop the transport sector, create new logistics opportunities and intensify transport links with the countries of Central Asia. The Armenian side expressed great interest in the logistics routes and transport infrastructure of Turkmenistan.

During the meeting, the agenda of the next meeting of the Turkmen-Armenian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation was also discussed. The parties highly appreciated the role of this Commission in deepening trade and economic relations between the two friendly countries.

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