The President of Turkmenistan instructed to ensure a high level of service in summer vacation spots of citizens


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in digital format, at which the results of the work done in various sectors of the economy over the first four months of this year were summed up, as well as a number of other important issues were discussed.

Addressing the meeting participants, the head of state noted that summer holidays for schoolchildren and labor holidays for citizens of the country will begin in the near future. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed responsible leaders to carefully prepare for the summer season, providing adequate conditions for recreation for the population.

In particular, it is necessary to put in order hotels, entertainment and health centers in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, sanatoriums, and children's health camps in the velayats and the city of Ashgabat. The relevant departments have been instructed to monitor the quality of services provided and the level of service in summer recreation areas for citizens.

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