The International University of Humanities and Development invites to an Open Day


The International University of Humanities and Development invites future applicants to the Open Day, which will be held on May 4 at 14.00.

Visitors will be able to see achievements in the field of higher education that meet international standards, get acquainted with the new university buildings, classrooms, language laboratories, and computer laboratories. Here they learn about the specialties and disciplines of the university.

There will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with student life outside the classroom - sports, academic and cultural clubs, superior student dormitories, and the work of the language department.

  • The Open Day of IUHD will be held at the address: Ashgabat, st. 1958 (Andalib), 169.
  • Contact numbers: (+99312) 39-85-42, 39-85-13, 39-85-40, 39-85-43,39-85-69, 39-85-29.

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