
The President of Tajikistan congratulated the head of Turkmenistan on International Novruz Day


President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon congratulated the head of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the people of friendly Turkmenistan on the advent of International Nowruz Day, TDH reports.

– The ancient rituals and rich spirituality of the blessed Nowruz, one of the majestic holidays that have illuminated the path for humanity for thousands of years, today make the human world even more colorful.

I express the hope that the universal human values and eternal ideas of this Spring holiday, as a symbol of the beginning of a new life, the awakening of nature, the triumph of goodness, tolerance and mutual understanding, will continue to move us along the path of revival and creation, peace and tranquility, mutual respect and trust.

I am confident that in the light of the good traditions of the blessed Nowruz, through joint efforts, relations of friendship and multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries will continue to develop and expand within the framework of an in-depth strategic partnership,” the congratulatory message says.

Taking this opportunity, Emomali Rahmon wished Serdar Berdimuhamedov good health, happiness and great success, and the brotherly people of Turkmenistan - peace and stability, prosperity, further progress and prosperity.

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